Data Transparency: “State of the Sector” Report and New Online Dashboards

What choices are charter schools providing? What are their results? Who are their students? And what is the outlook for charter schools' future? The Charter Center is pleased to release a new report on "The State of the NYC Charter School Sector," which provides a data-rich look at these critical…

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Open Line Live Town Hall

This weekend the Charter Center, KISS FM and Bronx Preparatory Charter School hosted an Education Town Hall that aired on KISS FM's Open Line radio show with Bob Slade, Bob Pickett and James Mtume. Panelists, including Valerie Babb, Recy Dunn, James Merriman, Charlene Reid, Drema Brown, Andrea Zayas and Samantha…

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Believe Northside Charter High School Gets a Second Chance

Whenever a charter school authorizer starts the process of revoking a school’s charter, the reactions are predictable. Though the revocation is not final, edu-journalists are fascinated. Teachers and families are justifiably concerned. Authorizers are tight-lipped. Charter advocates like us try to calmly remind everyone that, in the charter school sector,…

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Hopelessly Muddled – Needlessly Public: Teacher Evaluations Need to be Treated with Caution

Today, teacher data reports for some 32 charter schools will be released to the public, following release of TDRs for district teachers as part of the Teacher Data Initiative. There are two distinct issues worth commenting on: the particularities of the charter school data and the errors therein, and the…

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Bronx Charter School for Excellence Nominated for Prestigious National Honor

Recently, and unfortunately, much of the media surrounding charter schools has focused on school closures. So much so that one can forget how many amazing charter schools New York City is fortunate to have. This month, New York’s State Education Department reminded us of this fact by nominating the Bronx…

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