Defending the Indefensible

In politics, your friends can make you look bad. If they stake out an absurd position that you aren’t in a position to contradict, there’s nothing to do but grin and forge ahead.That’s exactly what just happened to NY Ed Commissioner David Steiner, one of the most forward-thinking education leaders…

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At the Movies

Via GothamSchools, news of two new documentaries about American education reform, both featuring NYC charter schools. Coming in May, Madeleine Sackler’s"The Lottery" follows four families from Harlem and the Bronx in the months leading up to the random admissions lottery at Harlem Success Academy. Here’s the preview: Davis Guggenheim's "Waiting…

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Wake-up call

For charter schools across New York State, today’s news out of Albany was disappointing. It could have been much, much worse. In a fitting finale to months of procrastination and confusion, state lawmakers†failed to pass any charter school legislation to†raise the charter cap†and help win the Race to the Top.…

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Name This Blog

Welcome to the New York City Charter School Center’s blog, part of a shiny new web site aimed at helping anyone interested in charter schools learn, meet, act, and even lead. We’re excited about the new site, and just as excited about adding our voice to the edu-blogosphere. We need…

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