Paranoia Will Destroy Ya

The other day I pointed out that NYSUT’s righteous concern for ELL education is harder to awaken in the absence of an anti-charter angle. I cited the example of the ELL crisis in the Buffalo City School District.

I never mentioned the UFT, but the city union replied anyway.†Leo Casey says the UFT cannot “reasonably be expected to follow developments” in Buffalo.

Ok, Leo. Not every conversation is about you.

But since you bring it up, what happens when there’s a charter school in Buffalo to criticize? Answer: the UFT is there on the spot, citing a recent article in the Buffalo News no less.

Now what was that about intellectual honesty?

P.S. And yes, I know that the ELL numbers and practices here are pretty miserable. So does Joel Klein, and so does the UFT. Let’s do something about it.