KIPP Teachers Reconsider Union

Teachers at KIPP AMP are using their voice to part ways with the UFT. (Not linking yet, due to privacy concerns.)In happier times, the “union of professionals” called them “a great group of courageous, intelligent educators determined to do the best by their students and their school.”I have a feeling…

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Invasion of the… local charities?

What do The Door, East Harlem Tutorial Project, Boricua College and Fordham University have in common ñ besides deep community roots and a commitment to public service?They’re among the institutions hoping for a lift on the charter school cap so they open their own public schools. James Merriman explains in…

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NYSUT Does the Right Thing

When NYSUT is right, we should say so. Today is one of those times. Recently, both the State Senate and Assembly’s budget resolutions called for defunding SUNY’s Charter Schools Institute, the entity responsible for overseeing a little less than half of all charter schools statewide. There is, of course, a…

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Randi Waltongarten?

I’ve been the subject of some pretty stiff attacks from the UFT recently. The union’s bloggers can hardly mention my name without reiterating the fact that I once worked for the Walton Family Foundation. For the record, I did work for the foundation (for a little over seven months).† It…

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Calling Andy Stern

On Friday afternoon, unionized teachers, staff and leaders at The Renaissance Charter School in Jackson Heights took a long subway ride after school let out to picket and march.† No story thereóunion members are no stranger to collective action.† The twist here is that they marched in front of UFT…

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