2022 State Assessment Scores & NYC Charter Schools

View Interactive Charts On October 31, 2022, the New York State Education Department quietly released the results for the 2021-22 grades 3-8 English language arts (ELA) and math assessments. Charters continued the trend of achieving higher proficiency rates than traditional district and state counterparts, but there were decreases in performance…

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We Mourn A Friend

By now, most of you who knew Dirk Tillotson know that he was murdered in his home in East Oakland.  His wife was injured, but will survive.  The news has hit the charter school community hard, as he was one of us.  And, as humans, all of us are once again left to ponder…

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Rethinking Adult Learning with the Collaborative for Inclusive Education

What does it mean to rethink adult learning? As Melissa Katz, Director of the Collaborative for Inclusive Education explains, “It’s about rethinking how schools do professional development. One of the biggest problems we hear about in professional development is that there is an “implementation gap,” i.e. supervisors give a training on a…

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NEW PODCAST! An Education Expert’s View on Supporting Students with Incarcerated Loved Ones

Hear from experienced teacher-leader, Vivett Dukes, in this week’s podcast as she shares important insights into creating supportive environments for students with incarcerated loved ones. Vivett, who is also the Founder of SpeakYaTruth.org, was one of the Collaborative’s webinar speakers this past Spring, where she elaborated on this very topic…

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New Podcast! Thinking Outside the Box for Students with Disabilities and Their Families

Learn about some of the challenges and wins experienced by students with disabilities and their families, including multilingual families, during remote learning. Diana Biagioli, Family Educator at IncludeNYC, discusses this and more in the Collaborative’s latest podcast. If you know a family that needs additional support, please share IncludeNYC’s helpline…

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NEW PODCAST: Perseverance, Community, Differentiation, and Grace in the Face of a Pandemic

Tune in to our latest podcast episode, featuring Tanicqua Pryor-Davis, Special Populations Coordinator at Explore/Excel Schools. Tanicqua shares her experiences working with students and staff, community engagement, DEI, differentiation and more, during the pandemic. For more information about the family she mentions in the episode, and how to support them,…

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Jamila Lysicott Discusses Critical Hope in the Context of Crisis

Assistant Professor of Social Justice Education at UMass Amherst and author of Black Appetite. White Food.: Issues of Race, Voice, and Justice Within and Beyond the Classroom, Jamila Lyiscott, recently spoke at the Collaborative for Inclusive Education’s Annual Conference. In her timely keynote address, Jamila discussed the rich possibilities for…

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