Our School Supports team recently hosted its annual workshop in partnership with NYS-TEACHS to help schools understand how to meet the needs of students in temporary housing and comply with federal and state laws and regulations, according to the McKinney-Vento Act and the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA).
Here are 5 things you should know about serving student in temporary housing:
- Students who lack housing that is fixed, regular, and adequate, including doubling-up and living in emergency or transitional shelters, are covered by the McKinney-Vento Act.
- Under McKinney-Vento, schools must immediately enroll students even if they do not have standard enrollment records.
- Busing is available to all K-6 students residing in shelters, regardless of borough. For any student in temporary housing not getting busing, a free full-fare MetroCard is available for the student and the parent accompanying them up to grade 6.
- Some Title I funds are specifically allocated to serve students in temporary housing for purchasing uniforms and school supplies.
- Everyone in your school should be equipped to take a trauma-sensitive approach when serving students in temporary housing.
For more information about serving students in temporary housing, please visit https://schools.nyccharterschools.org/resources/guide-educational-rights-students-temporary-housing