Students in Temporary Housing: Students’ Rights and Schools’ Responsibilities

Under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), the McKinney-Vento Act guarantees educational rights for students experiencing homelessness or residing in unstable housing situations. To ensure these students and their families receive the support they need, all charter schools are required to appoint a dedicated staff member as the McKinney-Vento liaison.…

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Charter schools are required to comply with the requirements of the New York State Department of Health (DOH) in effect since September 1, 2016. In order for students to learn and develop well, it's important to have a safe and healthy school environment. If a child is between 2 months and…

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Family Handbook Exemplars

A family handbook provides charter school families with answers to their most common questions and helps to guide families and students in the school’s processes and policies related to the following: School Calendar Communication Academics Student Support Student Behavior and Discipline English Language Learners Family Engagement Student Health Safety, Transparency,…

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