Working with the Administration for Child Services (ACS)

The Administration for Child Services (ACS) is working to build a stronger partnership with charter schools to support students in the child welfare program. ACS’s Office of Education Support and Policy Planning partnered with the Charter Center to demystify the child welfare system and launch discussions on collaborative approaches specific…

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Family Handbook Exemplars

A family handbook provides charter school families with answers to their most common questions and helps to guide families and students in the school’s processes and policies related to the following: School Calendar Communication Academics Student Support Student Behavior and Discipline English Language Learners Family Engagement Student Health Safety, Transparency,…

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FAQs: Open Meetings Law

Did you know that New York City charter schools are subject to the requirements of New York State's Open Meetings Law (OML)? The OML is based on a presumption of access that provides the public with the right to know in advance about meetings of public bodies and then to…

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NYSTL Purchasing in FAMIS

Each charter school receives a grant for textbooks, library books and software under the New York State Textbook Law (NYSTL). The grant is administered by the NYC DOE, so all purchases with these funds must be processed through the FAMIS purchasing portal. As a result, every school should have at…

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Developing a Sound School Budget

This presentation from the New York City Charter School Center explains the proper way to prepare a budget for a new charter school. All revenue streams and cost centers are covered in detail. Learn how to be conservative when projecting both revenues and expenses. A sample budget is included.

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High School Diploma Information

For High Schools looking to order diplomas, please note that charter schools do not use the NYC DOE diploma. Since the State does not require a particular format, high schools have some options: Order the blank sample attached from the state (only available when ordering Regents exams following the directions…

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