Charter School Board Training
The New York City Charter School Center partnered with the SUNY Charter School Institute, the NYSED Charter School Office and the NYC DOE Office of School Design and Charter Partnerships to host a three-part series of events for charter school board members.
Charter School Legal Issues: “Friends Of” Organizations
A “Friends of XYZ Charter School” organization is a separate, not-for-profit 501(c)(3) corporation that is created to raise funds, awareness and otherwise support a charter school or the charter school movement. This white paper from the Lawyers Alliance for New York is a guide for any charter school who is…
Governance: Bylaws and Conflict of Interest Policies for Charter Schools
All charter schools must have a set of bylaws and conflict of interest policies that comply with New York law. When was the last time your school reviewed these documents? Do they comply with the New York Nonprofit Revitalization Act, General Municipal Law, and Opening Meetings Law? Corey Callahan, the…
Accountability: Developing a Leadership Dashboard
A dashboard is an essential tool for charter school leaders and the board. This presentation will help you build a dashboard for your charter school.
FAQs: Open Meetings Law
Did you know that New York City charter schools are subject to the requirements of New York State's Open Meetings Law (OML)? The OML is based on a presumption of access that provides the public with the right to know in advance about meetings of public bodies and then to…
Sample Board Minutes
Meeting minutes are a formal recording of transactions that happened at a particular time and place. Minutes are a record of what was done at the meeting, not what was said by members. What should good minutes look like? Download these sample board meeting minutes to find out what are…
Board Assessment Tool
This assessment matrix aids in the assessment of a Charter School Board's effectiveness. Leadership Roles, Board Composition, Meetings and Committees are graded in three levels: Strong, Satisfactory and Weak.
Building a Charter School Founding Board
The skills and dedication of the personnel who make up the founding charter school Board are essential for a new school's success. These resources will help schools recruit the right board members and get their new boards up and running. Critical board building challenge: How does a charter school board…
Board Positions
Understanding the roles and responsibilities of board members is an important step in effective governance. These resources will help clarify what the board chair and other board members' roles are, and the characteristics to look for in candidates for particular positions. The Board Chairperson is one of the most important…