Charter School Board Training
The New York City Charter School Center partnered with the SUNY Charter School Institute, the NYSED Charter School Office and the NYC DOE Office of School Design and Charter Partnerships to host a three-part series of events for charter school board members.
New Provisions Passed In 2018-19 State Budget Legislation
New York State’s 2018-19 budget includes several budgetary items and a legislative amendment affecting charter schools in New York City. This memo provides details on increases in per pupil funding and legislation pertaining ending lunch shaming.
Finance Forms for Charter Schools
Charter schools can use this set of templates from the New York City Charter School Center to create their own forms. Included are templates for purchase request, expense request, expense reimbursement, and purchase order forms.
NYSTL Purchasing in FAMIS
Each charter school receives a grant for textbooks, library books and software under the New York State Textbook Law (NYSTL). The grant is administered by the NYC DOE, so all purchases with these funds must be processed through the FAMIS purchasing portal. As a result, every school should have at…
Developing a Sound School Budget
This presentation from the New York City Charter School Center explains the proper way to prepare a budget for a new charter school. All revenue streams and cost centers are covered in detail. Learn how to be conservative when projecting both revenues and expenses. A sample budget is included.
FUNDING: City Grants for Charter Schools
Each year, the Borough Presidents’ offices and New York City Council members distribute millions of dollars in public funds through discretionary grant programs. Public schools and non-profit organizations use these grants for everything from purchasing new technology and sports equipment to refurbishing playgrounds, science labs and auditoriums. The Charter Center…
New Provisions Passed In 2019-20 State Budget Legislation
New York State's 2019-20 budget includes several budgetary items and a legislative amendment affecting charter schools in New York City. This memo provides details on increases in per-pupil funding and legislation pertaining to the definition of the roles and responsibilities of school security personnel.