The Charter Center produces memorandums summarizing new provisions affecting charter schools established by the New York state budget or the State Legislative Session. Our General Counsel and VP of Legal Policy, Corey Callahan, is available to help schools and planning teams negotiate new provisions in the law.

2019-20 State Budget Legislation, New Provisions Affecting Charter Schools

2018-19 New York State Budget and Charter Schools

2017-18 State Legislative Session and Charter Schools

2017-18 State Budget Legislation, New Provisions Affecting Charter Schools

2016-17 Legislative Session, New Provisions Affecting Charter Schools

2016-17 State Budget Legislation, New Provisions Affecting Charter Schools

2015-16 Legislative Session, New Provisions Affecting Charter Schools

2014: New Provisions to State Law - 2014

2010: Charter Law - 2010

2010 Changes to State Charter Laws: Implications for Current Applicants