Computer-Based Testing (CBT) FAQ

The Charter Center has developed an extensive Computer-Based Testing (CBT) FAQ resource specifically designed to tackle frequently asked questions concerning CBT. In the dynamic realm of digital assessments, this guide plays a crucial role as a valuable reference for school administrators, providing insights and solutions to common questions associated with…

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Computer-Based Testing Timeline

In the rapidly changing landscape of education, particularly in the realm of computer-based testing, New York's school leaders face the crucial task of ensuring the success of students in grades 5 and 8 in ELA, mathematics, and science tests. To aid in this mission, a comprehensive CBT Timeline for the…

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Lottery Procedures and Best Practices

To effectively run a school's enrollment process, the lottery procedure is a crucial aspect that can be approached in numerous ways. The lottery process can shape the student body, promote diversity, and support enrollment targets. To guide the process, resources are available that explain lottery best practices. In addition, templates…

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Students in Temporary Housing: Students’ Rights and Schools’ Responsibilities

Under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), the McKinney-Vento Act guarantees educational rights for students experiencing homelessness or residing in unstable housing situations. To ensure these students and their families receive the support they need, all charter schools are required to appoint a dedicated staff member as the McKinney-Vento liaison.…

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