Under the Facilities Access Law passed in 2014, many NYC charter schools are able to receive rental assistance if they do not receive co-located space. Unfortunately, the law excluded privately located charters that had grown to capacity or established grades prior to the 2014-15 school year. There are currently more than 26,000 NYC charter students who don’t have access to facilities funding.

Rental Assistance for All!

For the first time in a generation, stand-alone legislation benefiting charter schools was introduced in both houses, thanks to the leadership of NYS Senator Luis Sepulveda and Assemblymember John Zaccaro Jr. Their legislation amends the 2014 Facility Access Law to include the schools that were previously excluded from facility funding, providing rental assistance for all New York City charter schools.


NYC charter school students do not have access to facilities funding.

These students’ per-pupil funding is being diverted from the classroom to pay for the buildings in which they are being educated. School budget dollars set aside for paying rent could be repurposed to fund programs, services, and supplies that directly help students, such as extracurriculars, before-and-after school childcare, and additional teachers and social workers.

Historically Underserved Students Most Impacted

NYC’s Black and Latino students attending independent or small network community charter schools are suffering the brunt of the funding disparity. Overall, nearly 90% of charter school students are Black or Latino; 82% of NYC charter school students are economically disadvantaged.

Charter schools are already underfunded, but schools that don’t receive rental assistance receive almost $5,000 less per-pupil than district schools.